Villas Managed Landscape Services
The Waterlefe Villas are a section of the community that enjoys landscape services provided through a bulk landscape contract with ArtisTree. The bulk contract for certain landscape services is managed and maintained by the Waterlefe Master Property Owners' Association.
Villas News
Want to know some helpful information from ArtisTree about Florida Landscaping? They're always posting helpful resources on their website covering tips and tricks to keep landscaping looking fresh year round!
Be sure to download your free ArtisTree Plant Guide!
It's like having a nursery land in your inbox only without all the dirt.
Villas ArtisTree Account Executive
Tim Drumgool brings 13-plus years of experience in landscape maintenance supervision and scheduling for multiple properties. He also enjoys designing and supervising installations. When Tim isn’t managing crews, you might find him working on his golf game or cooking for his family (he once studied at the American Culinary Federation). His work philosophy stems from a strong commitment to earning client trust and creating an enjoyable customer experience in every situation.
Wet Check/Irrigation Report
The following is a helpful guide / example of how to read your wet check reports from the ArtisTree irrigation team.
The top line of the report shows what time the irrigation is set to run (pictured above, the irrigation runs at 2:00 AM on Tuesday and Friday). Column A shows the zone around the house, and column B shows the type of irrigation in that zone (S=Spray, R=Rotary, D=Dripline). For example, according to this wet check, this home had 4 spray nozzles replaced in zone 1 (front left side of home) and 2 spray nozzles replaced in zone 4 (right side of home). ArtisTree will replace any broken heads they encounter during the monthly wet checks, otherwise a work order needs to be submitted if broken heads are discovered during the remainder of the month.
Please Note: If the Repairs Made/Parts Replaced section is blank, the wet check was completed and no repairs or replacements were required.
Online Work Order Submission
Work order tracking is managed every step of the way by ArtisTree’s in-house system (ART); from submission, to updates, to completion, your requests are answered quickly, efficiently, and securely. ART is available to take work orders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Monthly reports will continue to be provided to Association Management for review.
To submit a work order, follow the steps below:
Please Note: homeowners may only submit work orders for their own homes.
Visit ArtisTree’s website at
Go to CONTACT US from the navigation bar and select WORK ORDERS.
Click “Enter Work Order Request” and you will be directed to the Work Order System.
Select the Waterlefe Community ID from the drop-down menu. The Waterlefe Villas Work Order code is WLVI-001. Any submissions other than WLVI-001 will not be received.
Enter your complete information and choose a selection from each drop-down menu. Enter a description of your request and hit “Submit.”
Upon receiving your work order request, your ArtisTree account executive will send a confirmation receipt email and request ID at the email address you entered. While the work order is being completed you may receive an email with updates from the staff completing the work order. Upon completion, ArtisTree will send you a final email closing the Work Order ticket.
ArtisTree provides this service to Villas Homeowners as a way to make submitting Work Orders an easy and hassle-free process for everyone. Please contact Association Management at (941) 747-6898 x2 or via email at [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance using the system.